Laplace matlab opencv differences
Hello I wanted to implement the imfilter with the Laplace option (Sobel option worked perfectly) but I it gives a totally different result. While in the Sobel option both filter2d and the Sobel itself gives me the same result in case of of Laplace the results are different from Matlab For the Laplace implementation I used:
Mat LAP = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 1/6, 2/3, 1/6, 2/3, -10/3, 2/3, 1/6, 2/3, 1/6);
And then used the 2D filter:
And the results are totally different
Moreover when I use
Only on my ROI the results are pretty much the same as if I used Matlab on the whole image And yes I know that the matrixes for Laplace in OPENCV and Matlab are different
The result was checked by std squared
Thanks in advanced for all your help
take a look at the filter2D docs again (convolution vs. correlation)
Yes I need convolution its default option as my imfilter function is:
Where I took the h from
so you need to flip(kernel, -1)Its symmetrical (and try it anyway same answer :) )
oh, right missed it ;)