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solvePnP object pose for Omnidirectional model

asked 2018-08-13 04:10:36 -0600

ROSpioneer gravatar image

I'm interested in pose estimation using slightly different sensors called omnidirectional camera, they are based on Unified Omnidirectional Model to project 3D points into image plane.

Opencv has a function called solvePnP to find the pose of an object using couple of 2D-3D points for standard cameras.

My question is if there is a similar function for those particular cameras? in opencv or any other library.

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answered 2019-10-10 16:59:34 -0600

You could use omnidir from the contribs or fisheye. omnidir has a much better distortion model than fisheye, but it's a little buggy. They don't have explicit implementations of solvePnP but their calibration functions get pose estimates as part of the calibration solution, and I guess if you needed PnP without the distortion calibration, you could just fix the intrinsics to an initial guess.

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Asked: 2018-08-13 04:10:36 -0600

Seen: 638 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '19