What is the easiest way to display a cv::Mat in a decoration free full-screen window?
Being able to remove window decoration (the bar with the minimize/maximize buttons and name, and any window border) from a highgui namedWindow would be ideal, but that doesn't seem possible.
I'm currently considering using SDL which I think SDL_NOFRAME and SDL_SetVideoMode() solves my problem, but I'm curious if there is a faster or easier way. I don't want it to be too difficult to convert the cv::Mat to the new format, and it should also be high performance (low-latency and 10s of fps framerate).
This is using Linux and X windows, and the latest 2.4 OpenCV with Qt and OpenGL built in, so making X, Qt, or OpenGL calls would be acceptable.
are you sure that the "window decoration" hurts you so bad? to make it fullscreen you have to use external libraries and write additional code. I don't think it is worth the effort