OpenCV Cuda (cuda:: VS gpu::)
hello folks, I hope you are doing good.
I need some help, would you mind helping the brother out? The thing is that I wrote a program using OpenCV C++ for a project that I am working on. Now I want the code to run on GPU, of course for faster results.
For converting the code to its GPU equivalent, here's the steps I followed:
- Downloaded OpenCV 3.4.1 and activated GPU using cmake 3.12.0 rc3. (Using Cuda 9.0)
- Added dependencies in Visual Studio 2015 Pro.
The GPU was activated, however for functions to run on GPU, I had to use cuda:: instead of gpu::. Why is that so? Also, there is no folder named as 'gpu' in the include folder where OpenCV is located. OpenCV website have examples that uses the gpu:: but it doesn't work on version 3. Additionally, the namespace cuda:: has its own functions that are limited and it doesn't support the functions I have used in my code, functions like; cvtColor, adaptiveThreshold, TemplateMatching, etc.
Succumbing to the problems mentioned above, I moved to OpenCV because it had the "gpu" folder in it's include folder. But this version of OpenCV doesn't have imgcodecs.hpp that I am using in my project hence it doesn't support functions like distanceTransform. And also I was unable to GPU activate it using cmake, encountered some unusual errors. However one thing for sure that it does support gpu:: that I am seeking.
I apologize if this post seems like a rant post. I exhausted rite now.
Thanks in anticipation.
you're probably looking at outdated opencv 2.4 documentation. please use recent docs instead
oh, no, please don't move backwards. opencv 2.4 is no more developed since 5 years (bugfix only maintenance release)