You can use this function to change your desired brightness or contrast using C++ just like the same way you do it on photoshop or other similar photo editing software. You can check details of the python implementation More details about python implementation
def apply_brightness_contrast(input_img, brightness = 255, contrast = 127):
brightness = map(brightness, 0, 510, -255, 255)
contrast = map(contrast, 0, 254, -127, 127)
if brightness != 0:
if brightness > 0:
shadow = brightness
highlight = 255
shadow = 0
highlight = 255 + brightness
alpha_b = (highlight - shadow)/255
gamma_b = shadow
buf = cv2.addWeighted(input_img, alpha_b, input_img, 0, gamma_b)
buf = input_img.copy()
if contrast != 0:
f = float(131 * (contrast + 127)) / (127 * (131 - contrast))
alpha_c = f
gamma_c = 127*(1-f)
buf = cv2.addWeighted(buf, alpha_c, buf, 0, gamma_c)
cv2.putText(buf,'B:{},C:{}'.format(brightness,contrast),(10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
return buf
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