issue trainHog sample
I'm trying to train inria dataset with this sample but i don't know what is the problem cause when it gets to this i receive the assert? What i'm doing wrong?
clog << "Histogram of Gradients are being calculated for negative images...";
computeHOGs(pos_image_size, neg_lst, gradient_lst, flip_samples);
size_t negative_count = gradient_lst.size() - positive_count;
labels.insert(labels.end(), negative_count, -1);
CV_Assert(positive_count < labels.size()); ?
check your cmd line params. probably positive images or negative images folder does not contain images or OpenCV can't read images. recently i can't check but i used before params like
-d -dw=64 -dh=128 -pd=/INRIAPerson/96X160H96/Train/pos -nd=/INRIAPerson/neg -tv=../data/vtest.avi
NOTE : if your OpenCV version has latest libpng you will have a problem reading png files of INRIA see