Image Matching always returns a location
Why does image matching always return a found match location? Shouldn't just return 0,0 if the image isn't found?
Why does image matching always return a found match location? Shouldn't just return 0,0 if the image isn't found?
matchTemplate isn't returning a result each time. It computes the overlapping of the template to the image, with the specified method. Therefore, there is always a results (for all pixels, the square difference, or the correlation, ...). When you use MinMaxLocation to find the "most probable position of the template on the image", I insist on the "most probable", you have a score, that you can threshold if it's too low. It's up to you and depend on your context.
Asked: 2013-08-19 20:40:43 -0600
Seen: 359 times
Last updated: Aug 21 '13
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