trouble with using webcam on Ubuntu 16.04 on virtualbox with opencv
i am using Ubuntu 16.04 on vitualbox on windows10 my opencv version is 3.2 and i am using python 2.7 i could check that my webcam work on unbuntu with cheese but once i run my python script, an error returns. and i found it out that it is because the system cannot find any camera available. here is my code is there any idea to resolve this?? i need a help
i removed your (useless here) screenshot. please edit your question, again, and add your code, and the errormsg AS TEXT, so we can help you properly, thank you.
I doubt you'll get it to work. My Windows 10 VirtualBox install doesn't find my host camera because there's no such driver for it. Oracle would have to support thousands of makes and models. Like that will ever happen.