Procedure for computing disparity and depth maps
Update: Several people have suggested improving calibration ( reducing rms reprojection error ) for getting a better depth/disparity map but -
1) What should be the rms error range ( approx ) ?
2) I can't find a fixed way of improving calibration even after providing images at different orientations and z-depth. (I randomly get a few "okay" rms error every now and then ) what else can I do ?
I have a question regarding procedure for stereo correspondence ( for computing disparity ( and depth ) images )
Which of the following 2 procedures is supposed to be used ? And why would you prefer one over the other ?
- Using SURF/SIFT based detectors/descriptors + DescriptorMatcher ( eg:- FLANN library )
- Or using StereoSGBM/ StereoBM classes provided by openCV ?
I am aware of the following -
1) Method 1 will lead to sparse point cloud and
2) Method 2 will lead to dense point cloud.
However I have tried 2) and haven't yet got great results ( even on using a trackbar and fine tuning the parameters )
I went the SteroBM route to get the disparity. Some sample data and C++ code can be found at:
The results are... too simple. The disparity Mat doesn't compare to an actual depth map gotten from a single camera system like the Xbox 360 Kinect (
I mean, prepare to be disappointed. Maybe the first method that you mention produces better results?
1 will give you only sparse, point correspondances (doubtful, if you get anywhere like this),
while 2 will give you "dense" (per pixel) mapping
@sjhalayka - Yes, I have tried the stereoSGBM, and haven't yet got fantastic results. I assumed it was due to the calibration of my camera ( I have like a reprojection error 0.65 upon calibrating 50 images. I know 0.65 is bad )
@berak - Yes, you are correct. I have read this somewhere as well, which is why I tried using openCV stereoSGBM/stereoBM but sadly I haven't got great results ( I am not sure if this is due to poor calibration , please see comment above ). Have you ever got a good dense point cloud using openCVs stereoSGBM ?
stereoSGBM/StereoBM disparity is very sensitive to the calibration - the left and right views must compare epipolar lines.
Smooth depth coverage over the field of view requires smooth image contrast and a clearly visible random texture on smooth surfaces. This may require active illumination or gain adjustment and/or a pattern/textured light projector.
Various disparity parameters need to be tuned for the application, to best select image subject of interest.
With all the above, it's possible to get high-quality dense depth map generation - but it pretty much requires understanding how this happens from the physics/optics to imaging and all the way through the relatively straightforward software.
@opalmirror, thanks for the information
Before attempting to fix the disparity map, would you have any tips on how to improve calibration ? I have just updated the question with this query as well.