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Problem with concat in cv::dnn? [closed]

asked 2017-11-16 16:52:31 -0600

Maups gravatar image

I have the following code that uses the following model that was created with the following tensorflow code

It is supposed to receive an 128x128 grayscale image as input, load the network from the file above, and then get the tensor of the last layer, which is a fully-connected layer. However, I'm getting the following error for both Opencv 3.3 and the master branch:

OpenCV 3.3

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (srcMat.dims == 2 && srcMat.cols == weights.cols && dstMat.rows == srcMat.rows && dstMat.cols == weights.rows && srcMat.type() == weights.type() && weights.type() == dstMat.type() && srcMat.type() == CV_32F && (biasMat.empty() || (biasMat.type() == srcMat.type() && biasMat.isContinuous() && (int) == dstMat.cols))) in run, file /home/mauricio/Libraries/OpenCV3.3/opencv-3.3.0/modules/dnn/src/layers/fully_connected_layer.cpp, line 132
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
  what():  /home/mauricio/Libraries/OpenCV3.3/opencv-3.3.0/modules/dnn/src/layers/fully_connected_layer.cpp:132: error: (-215) srcMat.dims == 2 && srcMat.cols == weights.cols && dstMat.rows == srcMat.rows && dstMat.cols == weights.rows && srcMat.type() == weights.type() && weights.type() == dstMat.type() && srcMat.type() == CV_32F && (biasMat.empty() || (biasMat.type() == srcMat.type() && biasMat.isContinuous() && (int) == dstMat.cols)) in function run

master branch

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (srcMat.dims == 2 && srcMat.cols == weights.cols && dstMat.rows == srcMat.rows && dstMat.cols == weights.rows && srcMat.type() == weights.type() && weights.type() == dstMat.type() && srcMat.type() == 5 && (biasMat.empty() || (biasMat.type() == srcMat.type() && biasMat.isContinuous() && (int) == dstMat.cols))) in run, file /home/mauricio/Libraries/OpenCVmaster/opencv/modules/dnn/src/layers/fully_connected_layer.cpp, line 152
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
  what():  /home/mauricio/Libraries/OpenCVmaster/opencv/modules/dnn/src/layers/fully_connected_layer.cpp:152: error: (-215) srcMat.dims == 2 && srcMat.cols == weights.cols && dstMat.rows == srcMat.rows && dstMat.cols == weights.rows && srcMat.type() == weights.type() && weights.type() == dstMat.type() && srcMat.type() == 5 && (biasMat.empty() || (biasMat.type() == srcMat.type() && biasMat.isContinuous() && (int) == dstMat.cols)) in function run

I found out that the problem is not in the fully connected layer itself, but actually before it. I have the following layers in my model:

Conv2D 1
add 2
Relu 3
Conv2D_1 4
add_1 5
Relu_1 6
MaxPool 7
Conv2D_2 8
add_2 9
Relu_2 10
MaxPool_1 11
Conv2D_3 12
add_3 13
Relu_3 14
MaxPool_2 15
Conv2D_4 16
add_4 17
Relu_4 18
MaxPool_3 19
Conv2D_5 20
add_5 21
Relu_5 22
Reshape 23
Reshape_1 24
concat 25
MatMul 26

The layers "Reshape" and "Reshape_1" have size 1x16384, so the layer "concat" should have size 1x32768, but it shows the same size of the layers it should be concatenating (1x16384). This is why the assertion for the size in the fully connected layer is ... (more)

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Maups
close date 2017-11-17 09:45:55.718914

1 answer

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answered 2017-11-17 01:39:33 -0600

dkurt gravatar image

@Maups, Thank you for the detailed question! This problem related to the data layout issue. By default, TensorFlow has NHWC (batch, height, width, channels) interpretation but OpenCV works with NCHW. So we need to map layers attributes to appropriate dimensions (i.e. concatenation by channels in TensorFlow defined with axis=3 and we map it to axis=1 internally). The fastest solution for your model is to use axis=-1: flat_concat = tf.concat([flat_h_pool4_drop, flat_h_lconv3], -1) as an alias to the last axis.

We're going to make TensorFlow importer more flexible for this kind of issues soon and your test case will be very helpful, many thanks!

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Thank you so much! It worked for me, but only with the master branch :)

Maups gravatar imageMaups ( 2017-11-17 09:44:12 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-11-16 16:52:31 -0600

Seen: 2,078 times

Last updated: Nov 17 '17