parallel_for_ : nstripes parameter
Hi what means nstripes in parallel_for_
Hi what means nstripes in parallel_for_
It's the number of stripes you parallel loop is splitted. It is not the number of threads. Here is the implementation for OpenMP for example (Stripe range is calculated here). There are different cases nstripes can be set:
nstripes == cv::getNumThreads()
every thread is assigned to one stripe. This can be useful if there is some overhead in thread preparationnstripes < cv::getNumThreads()
just nstripes threads can be used because the loop isn't splitted in enough stripes to use all threads. This should be the same as reducing number of threadsnstripes > cv::getNumThreads()
Some or all threads are getting more than one stripe to calculate. This can be useful if there is no or not much overhead in thread preparation and calculation times of different stripes are inhomogeneous.Asked: 2017-11-10 08:23:25 -0600
Seen: 1,445 times
Last updated: Nov 10 '17
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