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How can I load caffe-models that contain the file mean.binaryproto?

asked 2017-11-03 02:54:27 -0600

Rbt gravatar image

I have somes trained caffe-models that contain the file: "mean.binaryproto", so I need to read this file in order to sustract the mean value from input images. Is there any way to do that using OpenCV only?

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answered 2017-11-05 15:01:04 -0600

dkurt gravatar image

@Rbt, we can try to use an experimental OpenCV's protobuf parser:

Create a text file with the following content (describes BlobProto message structure):

file {
  name: "caffe.proto"
  package: "caffe"
  message_type {
    name: "BlobShape"
    field {
      name: "dim"
      number: 1
      label: LABEL_REPEATED
      type: TYPE_INT64
      options {
        packed: true
      json_name: "dim"
  message_type {
    name: "BlobProto"
    field {
      name: "shape"
      number: 7
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_MESSAGE
      type_name: ".caffe.BlobShape"
      json_name: "shape"
    field {
      name: "data"
      number: 5
      label: LABEL_REPEATED
      type: TYPE_FLOAT
      options {
        packed: true
      json_name: "data"
    field {
      name: "diff"
      number: 6
      label: LABEL_REPEATED
      type: TYPE_FLOAT
      options {
        packed: true
      json_name: "diff"
    field {
      name: "double_data"
      number: 8
      label: LABEL_REPEATED
      type: TYPE_DOUBLE
      options {
        packed: true
      json_name: "doubleData"
    field {
      name: "double_diff"
      number: 9
      label: LABEL_REPEATED
      type: TYPE_DOUBLE
      options {
        packed: true
      json_name: "doubleDiff"
    field {
      name: "raw_data_type"
      number: 10
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_ENUM
      type_name: ".caffe.Type"
      json_name: "rawDataType"
    field {
      name: "raw_data"
      number: 12
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_BYTES
      options {
        packed: false
      json_name: "rawData"
    field {
      name: "num"
      number: 1
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_INT32
      default_value: "0"
      json_name: "num"
    field {
      name: "channels"
      number: 2
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_INT32
      default_value: "0"
      json_name: "channels"
    field {
      name: "height"
      number: 3
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_INT32
      default_value: "0"
      json_name: "height"
    field {
      name: "width"
      number: 4
      label: LABEL_OPTIONAL
      type: TYPE_INT32
      default_value: "0"
      json_name: "width"

Initialize ProtobufParser with the path to created file and top message type .caffe.BlobProto. Also set text flag is true. Than call method parse with the path to .binaryproto. Print out all "data" values. The sample might help. I described it very briefly so let us know if something won't work.

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@dkurt, i just tried the protobuf_parser and i got:

C:\p\ocv\dnn\protobuf_parser\samples>parse_caffe_model --caffemodel=C:\data\mdl\age\mean.binaryprotoC:\data\mdl\age\mean.binaryproto --proto=C:\data\mdl\age\mean.prototxt
OpenCV: terminate handler is called! The last OpenCV error is:
OpenCV(3.4.2-dev) Error: Parsing error (Unsupported wire type [6]) in parseKey, file src/proto_message.cpp, line 42

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

in fact, i get this for any combination of caffemodel/prototxt i have on this box.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-08-13 06:04:44 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-11-03 02:54:27 -0600

Seen: 904 times

Last updated: Nov 05 '17