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How do I get properties from fitEllipse() rotatedrect?

asked 2013-07-27 18:38:32 -0600

blip gravatar image

If I use the fitEllipse() function on a blob, how do I get:

length, width, center, orientation

of its returned rotatedrect?

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answered 2013-07-27 19:34:29 -0600

The RotatedRect has the following fields: center, angle and size, where size as width and height fields.

cv::RotatedRect r = cv::fitEllipse(...);
std::cout << "Length: " << r.size.height << ", Width: " << r.size.width
    << ", Center: (" << << "," << << ")"
    << ", Orientation: " << r.angle << std::endl;
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Asked: 2013-07-27 18:38:32 -0600

Seen: 1,461 times

Last updated: Jul 27 '13