Camshift Tracking Tuning
Can anybody help me understand the Vmin , Vmax and S min thresholds in the camshift Demo ?
Can anybody help me understand the Vmin , Vmax and S min thresholds in the camshift Demo ?
Take a look at this post:
Camshift uses a combination of colors to track faces. In the representation that Camshift uses, color is undefined for pixels that have a neutral shade (white, gray, or black). Color can be computed for pixels that are almost neutral, but their color values are unstable, and these pixels contribute noise that interferes with tracking.Camshift uses two parameters - smin and vmin - to screen out this noise. These parameters define thresholds for ignoring pixels that are too close to neutral. vmin sets the threshold for "almost black," and smin for "almost gray." These two threshold levels will need to be adjusted for your setup to get good results with Camshift. Camshift also uses a third parameter, called vmax, to set a threshold for pixels that are too bright. But smin has the side effect of also eliminating pixels that are close to white, so you shouldn't need to tweak vmax to get good results.
The easiest way to select good values for your setup is with sliders and see what is happening with the backprojection view image
And take a look at: How OpenCV's Face Tracker Works
Asked: 2013-07-07 03:58:48 -0600
Seen: 928 times
Last updated: Jul 08 '13