Ambiguity in OpenCV documentation
What is the actual default value and range of the 'high_threshold' parameter in the textureFlattening function in int Photo module?
In the doc, its given that the value of high threshold should be greater than 100 but its default value has been given as 45.
I have never uses this module. First your link is 3.0-beta. You should use 3.2 or 3.2-dev.
Now you are right something is weird may be it is only typo. But searching in source code of textureFlattening It seems that is Cloning::TextureFlatten is called and thresohld is relative to canny. Canny doc is here . May be image mask is normalised but if it is not case then you can use a value less than 255 and higher than lowthreshod
Thanks LBerger!