Object detection :facing problem while detecting objects

asked 2013-06-21 06:33:17 -0600

hihi, i generated haar files for bottle,i used 800 positive and 1600 negative images and ran the haar file for 20 stages. when i am trying to detect bottle it is giving so many false predictions.it is not considering the combination of all haar features (Edge , line , center).can any one suggest some solution why it is not detecting bottle with combination of haar-features..............?

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Are the current detections more in the region where bottle is? In other words, are there more detections at the bottle and lesser at other places? If that is so, try to increase your minimum nieghbour parameter used during detection.

vinayverma gravatar imagevinayverma ( 2013-09-23 00:24:58 -0600 )edit