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Where xfeature2D.h file store in opencv3.0.0 or opencv3.1.0?

asked 2017-05-06 06:20:59 -0600

darshana.mistry gravatar image

Hello all, I want to use SURF/SIFT algorithm using opencv3.0.0 or opencv3.1.0. But I did not get path of xfeatures2D.

Can you please help for same?

Thank you,

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answered 2017-05-06 06:56:32 -0600

berak gravatar image

updated 2017-05-06 06:59:46 -0600

you will need the opencv_contrib repo (see readme there for build instructions)

if you want to stick with outdated opencv3.0.0 or 3.1.0, please make sure to check out exactly the same revision you're using in opencv_contrib, otherwise it's probably the better idea, to update your main opencv repo to latest master before trying to build with the contrib modules

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Asked: 2017-05-06 06:20:59 -0600

Seen: 354 times

Last updated: May 06 '17