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Not able to install xfeatures2d (with opencv_contrib)

asked 2017-04-26 04:27:25 -0600

TADRIAN gravatar image


I have a problem building OpenCV 3.2 with the xfeatures2d module. I followed this tutorial: to build OpenCV with OpenCV_contrib.

After completing the guide I´m able to use most of the OpenCV + OpenCV contrib modules with expection of the xfeatures2d module.

After building with Visual Stuido 2015 i´m not able to find the corresponing libary in the Directory: E:\opencv-3.2\build\install\x64\vc14\lib (all the other libarys are there): In the solution explorer of VS 15 i´m able to find the module opencv_xfeatures2d. When trying to build only this module i get following errors:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'vgg_generated_120.i': No such file or directory opencv_xfeatures2d E:\opencv-3.2\source\opencv_contrib\modules\xfeatures2d\src\vgg.cpp 474

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'boostdesc_bgm.i': No such file or directory opencv_xfeatures2d E:\opencv-3.2\source\opencv_contrib\modules\xfeatures2d\src\boostdesc.cpp 646

Do you have any idea whats the problem? (google said a soultion would be to disbale Build_opencv_contribworld and _cudaarithm in cmake, but it didn´t solve the problem)


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2 answers

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answered 2017-04-26 06:21:58 -0600

berak gravatar image

updated 2017-04-26 06:28:19 -0600

it's a cmake / networking problem. cmake tried to download some precomputed descriptor files for the xfeatures2d module, but failed to do so.

can we see your cmake output ? (there should be more details in there)

if you think, your cmake is too old, try to update that first. if you downloaded 3.2 release , try to update to latest github master, there were some recent changes to those parts, maybe that fixes it.

if nothing else works, you can download the missing files manually (a dozen small things, see here)

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I have the same problem but proxy is not set up as for me. wget is working but cmake cannot download the external file. cmake is newest version of 3.6. I am downloading all the files using wget. What is github master and is it related to downloading files on any repository of not-github?

hopefulp gravatar imagehopefulp ( 2018-08-07 20:57:33 -0600 )edit

answered 2017-04-27 00:19:08 -0600

TADRIAN gravatar image

Thanks a lot :), It was indeed a networking problem due a proxy. I disabled the proxy (cause i couldn´t figure out how to set the proxy settings for cmake) and everything works fine.

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Asked: 2017-04-26 04:27:25 -0600

Seen: 9,603 times

Last updated: Apr 26 '17