Implements CvViewFrameListener2 not found
Hello, I need help i want add implements to my activity -> CvViewFrameListener2 - not found what is problem?
Hello, I need help i want add implements to my activity -> CvViewFrameListener2 - not found what is problem?
you also have to add the opencv library to your project.
Properties / Android / library
add the OpenCV library 2.4.5 there
CvViewFrameListener2 is defined inside
Thank you for your answer, berak. Solved it. Seems like the interface name is misspelled in the tutorial. Instead of CvViewFrameListener2
(which really doesn't exist) I used CvCameraViewListener2
and everything works like a charm.
The same problem here. I tried to folllow this tutorial, but I got stuck at
11 Defines that your activity implements CvViewFrameListener2 interface (...)
It seems like the interface CvViewFrameListener2 doesn't exist in OpenCV library. Has anybody any idea?
Do you have the "OpenCV Library - 2.x.x" Project "imported" and "open" in eclipse ?
If you don't I think you get errors like that on every reference to an opencv class.
Asked: 2013-05-30 04:53:45 -0600
Seen: 5,199 times
Last updated: Jun 26 '13
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