'filter2D' : is not a member of 'cv'?
hi everyone,
I keep having the 2 errors:
1>c:\users\aaron\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\sharpen2d\sharpen2d\sharpen2d\main.cpp(45): error C2039: 'filter2D' : is not a member of 'cv' 1>c:\users\aaron\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\sharpen2d\sharpen2d\sharpen2d\main.cpp(45): error C3861: 'filter2D': identifier not found
Do anybody know why?
My program is as follows:
#include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2\features2d\features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2\calib3d\calib3d.hpp>
void sharpen2D(const cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &result)
//construct the kernel such that all entries are initialised to 0
cv::Mat kernel(3,3,CV_32F,cv::Scalar(0));
//assign the kernels value
kernel.at<float>(1,1) = 5.0;
kernel.at<float>(0,1) = -1.0;
kernel.at<float>(1,0) = -1.0;
kernel.at<float>(2,1) = -1.0;
kernel.at<float>(1,2) = -1.0;
//now filter the image
cv::filter2D (img, result, img.depth(), kernel);
int main(){
cv::Mat img(cvLoadImage("rendered_lena.png"));
cv::Mat imgClone= img.clone();
sharpen2D(img,imgClone); //change the number to reflect the color reduction property
cv::namedWindow("Results", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cv::imshow("Results", imgClone);
I initially thought it was the include library problem, but apparently it's not. Any idea anybody?