config OPENCV2.4.5 in windows8x64 / visual studio 2010
i have been added the DIR. of OPENCV2.4.5 but when i want to compile and debug the program i get errors:
i have been added the DIR. of OPENCV2.4.5 but when i want to compile and debug the program i get errors:
First create an environment variable for Opencv build path:
Name: OPENCV_BUILD Value: Your Path to the opencv build folder (ex. C:\Opencv\build)
Add vs10 bin path to the "Path" variable (system environment variable) by adding the following, seperated by semi-colon:
Use x64 if your Visual Studio is 64-bit.
Add a "Property Sheet" to your Visual Studio project with the following (this is for Debug, for release add similar libs not ending with 'd': ex. opencv_highgui245.lib instead of opencv_highgui245d.lib):
C/C++ AdditionalIncludeDirectories: $(OPENCV_BUILD)\include
Linker->General AdditionalLibraryDirectories: $(OPENCV_BUILD)\x86\vc10\lib
Linker->Input AdditionalDependencies: opencv_core245d.lib;opencv_imgproc245d.lib;opencv_highgui245d.lib;opencv_ml245d.lib;opencv_objdetect245d.lib;opencv_video245d.lib;opencv_features2d245d.lib;opencv_calib3d245d.lib;opencv_contrib245d.lib;opencv_flann245d.lib;opencv_gpu245d.lib;opencv_haartraining_engined.lib;opencv_legacy245d.lib;opencv_nonfree245d.lib;opencv_photo245d.lib;opencv_stitching245d.lib;opencv_superres245d.lib;opencv_videostab245d.lib
Watch this video:
Asked: 2013-05-16 02:10:06 -0600
Seen: 1,586 times
Last updated: May 16 '13
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