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how can i play video

asked 2017-02-19 00:52:58 -0600

Hi all, I want to play four fullhd videos and i'm using a sample and grab frame in each iterate in loop and show it four times in a concatenate way in just one imshow. i have a problem with speed. it is faster than its real. how can i play it in exact frame rate that it has? i am using C++. if there is a better solution in C# please let me know it. i have found some but there is error in opening file in all of them. Thank you

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3 answers

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answered 2017-02-20 05:02:02 -0600

pi-null-mezon gravatar image

updated 2017-02-21 00:53:21 -0600

Playback video in the window with the fps from the file metainfo, filename passed as 2'nd cmd argument:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if(argc > 1) { // application will wait videofilename as the second cmd argument

        VideoCapture _vc;
        if([1]) == false)
            return -2; // Indicates that file could not be opened for the some reasons

        double fps = _vc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); // get fps from the file's metainfo
        int delayms = static_cast<int>(1000.0/fps); // get delay between the frames in milliseconds

        Mat matframe;
            imshow("viewport", matframe);
            if(waitKey(delayms) == 27) { // 27 is ESCAPE code, so if the user press escape then while will be breaked
        return 0;
    } else {
        return -1; // means that the user did not provide videofilename

You want take into account processing time? So, let's slightly change the code:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

using namespace cv;

double measureframetimems(VideoCapture &_vc, cv::Mat(*_functionpointer)(const Mat &_mat), unsigned int _n) {
    if(_vc.isOpened() == false) {
        return -1.0;
    cv::Mat _framemat;
    double _totalprocctime = 0.0;
    double _timemark;
    unsigned int _frames = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _n; ++i) {
        if( {
            if(i > 0) { // let's drop first frame from the time count
                _totalprocctime += (getTickCount() - _timemark)/getTickFrequency();
            _timemark = getTickCount();
        } else {
            break; // for the instance all frames in the video file could be finished before _n
    return 1000.0*_totalprocctime/_frames; // in milliseconds

cv::Mat processframe(const Mat &_mat) {
    // Paste target processing code
    return _mat;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if(argc > 1) { // application will wait videofilename as the second cmd argument

        VideoCapture _vc;
        if([1]) == false)
            return -2; // Indicates that file could not be opened for the some reasons              

        double fps = _vc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); // get fps from the file's metainfo       
        int delayms = static_cast<int>(1000.0/fps); // get delay between the frames in milliseconds

        delayms -= measureframetimems(_vc, *processframe, 100); // adjust delay
        // Reopen video file if first frames are necessary
        if([1]) == false)
            return -2; // Indicates that file could not be opened for the some reasons

        Mat matframe;
            matframe = processframe(matframe);
            imshow("viewport", matframe);
            if(waitKey(delayms) == 27) { // 27 is ESCAPE code, so if the user press escape then while will be breaked
        return 0;
    } else {
        return -1; // means that the user did not provide videofilename
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thank you man, but it makes it slower than original

Farshadhn gravatar imageFarshadhn ( 2017-02-20 13:06:24 -0600 )edit

Yes, this is only approximate frame rate, as I said in my answer. It will be slightly slower than expected because it does not take into account the time to read and decode a frame. So if you need more exact timing, you need to calculate a delay for each frame. You want to display frame N at (playback_start_time_in_ms + (N * 1000 / fps)). So on each frame, you need to subtract current system time in ms from expected display time in ms, and wait that number of ms.

Netsai Chibuku gravatar imageNetsai Chibuku ( 2017-02-20 16:44:03 -0600 )edit

answered 2017-02-19 01:35:46 -0600

LBerger gravatar image

updated 2017-02-19 01:40:46 -0600

opencv is an image processing library. It is not vlc, ffmpeg, gstreamer ..... If you don't need to process image frame by frame I'm sure that you can find a better answer elsewhere.

You can use this post too

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So what is the way to play for example for video using just one source. i dont want to process all frames for all videos. these for video are playing same thing and i just need one processing not multiple

Farshadhn gravatar imageFarshadhn ( 2017-02-19 02:26:21 -0600 )edit

answered 2017-02-19 18:56:00 -0600

Netsai Chibuku gravatar image

If the playback rate is faster than you want, you need to put a sleep in between displaying frames.

Are you using cv::VideoCapture class? I think when you call grab() to get frames from a video file, it gives you the next frame immediately. It does not care what the framerate in the video file is. (From memory, maybe I am wrong.)

The easiest way is to call cv::VideoCapture::get(CAP_PROP_FPS) to get the frames-per-second of the file. Then just add a call to sleep for (1000 / fps) milliseconds after displaying each frame. If you need really exact playback rate for synchronisation, there are better ways, but this simple way is probably enough.

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sleeping is not helping me. do you have a sample code for that?maybe mine is incorrect. it's frames are jumping and faster that its real.could you please show me that loop?

Farshadhn gravatar imageFarshadhn ( 2017-02-19 23:50:20 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-02-19 00:52:58 -0600

Seen: 542 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '17