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Finding Corresponding Points on two rectified images

asked 2017-02-17 10:31:56 -0600

mirnyy gravatar image

updated 2017-02-17 10:47:38 -0600


i have 2 images and also the intrinsic camera parameter K.
I calculated the fundamental matrix F of both images and rectified the images using the homography.

Now i would like to implement that:

If i click on any point at the first image, the corresponding image point on the second image should be shown/selected. But how can i exactly calculate, which selected point from the first image belongs to which corresponding point on the second image?

I already know that x' F x = 0.

That's where i am now:

I already did the feature detection and feature matching steps (e.g. to find out the fundamental matrix F).
Now i want to implement, that i can calculate the correspondence of ANY point on the first image to the point on the second image.

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answered 2017-02-17 10:36:51 -0600

LBerger gravatar image

updated 2017-02-17 11:02:23 -0600

You can do like this

  1. Detect local features in each image (if you are lucky it is near a click)
  2. Match features between left/right images

Since the images are rectified, we can restrict the search to a bounding box on the same scan-line

You can use stereoBM or stereoSGBM class too

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Asked: 2017-02-17 10:31:56 -0600

Seen: 1,669 times

Last updated: Feb 17 '17