BOWTrainer in java api [closed]
I love the new java api and wonder why BOWTrainer and its companion classes are not included in the opencv-244.jar
When can i expect these classes to be part of it.
Thanks for this wonderful CG lib!
You could either do it yourself and create a pull-request or since I guess the java-api is auto-generated create a ticket that it will be solved for the next release (if the developpers have time for it). Btw (no offense here!): the steps which are done in BoWTrainer are basically applying a k-means so it shouldn't be too difficult to do it manually.
ok, thanks i will take a look at the build process and try to do it myself, with the goal to attach a proper patch to the ticket for the developers.
So, how did this turn out? It's been three years and BOWImgDescriptorExtractor and BOWTrainer are still out.
BOWTrainer is available
^^ @sturkmen, no, not really.