How to utilize opencv3.1.0's GeneralizedHough
I am wondering if it is possible to actually use the Generalized Houghtransform which is available in version 3.1.0.
How can I perform generalized Hough transform in python? The generalizedHough is different from, for example, functions like HoughLines. It can not be simply called. Something is missing, to be able to simply access it with a one-line python call (its called wrapper? the thing which is missing?)
unfortunately, neither GeneralizedHoughBallard, nor GeneralizedHoughGuil are available from python atm. (you guessed right, the wrapper is missing)
What else is not accessible with python? Do you think it would be generally better to use c++ instead of python, to get the most performance out of opencv? For example I also found functions like parallelCanny, which also lacks a python wrapper. I need to execute this on a raspberry pi 3, and since it has 4 cores a parallelCanny is beneficial. So far my scripts only execute on a single core.
it may be just bad luck on your side. the python bindings cover ~95% of the c++ api, and the remaining 5% are more or less WIP.
adding the missing wrapper functionality is not so difficult . you need the CV_EXPORTS_W part for GeneralizedHough, GeneralizedHoughBallard, and GeneralizedHoughGuil, all functions you need to use need CV_WRAP, and GeneralizedHoughBallard, and GeneralizedHoughGuil,need a static create() function, returning a cv::Ptr.