1 | initial version |
Matlab Cascade Classifier is a wrapper over OpenCV one. There is good tutorial for Matlab classifier.
2 | No.2 Revision |
Matlab Cascade Classifier is a wrapper over OpenCV one. There is a good tutorial for Matlab classifier.
Total hit and false alarm rates calculated using hit (stageHR) and false alarm (stageFAR) rates for each stage:
totalHR = stageHR^NumStages;
totalFAR = stageFAR^NumStages.
Thus values of hit and false alarm rates for each stage depend on number of stages.
Number of stages influences the amount of training data: number of positive samples to use at each stage can be estimated using the following formula (see link):
number of positive samples = floor(totalPositiveSamples / (1 + (NumStages- 1) * (1 - stageHR)))
Following information is useful for choosing a number of stages: