![]() | 1 | initial version |
Hi, thanks for the answers.
Do you have the (relative) 3d position of your points.
I don’t know the (relative) 3d position of the points. I know the two images, the focal length and the sensor size of the cameras.
I tested with Blender if that's possible. Blender motion tracking can compute the relative position and rotation of the two cameras. Blender needs 8 points in both images. The result is very exact.
It is possible. But how?
I have found the openCv function findFundamentalMat.
findFundamentalMat also requires min 8 points* in both images. This is the same rule as in Blender.
*CV_FM_8POINT for an 8-point algorithm. N>=8
CV_FM_RANSAC for the RANSAC algorithm. N>=8
CV_FM_LMEDS for the LMedS algorithm. N>=8
And I found the function stereoCalibrate.
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
Hi, thanks for the answers.
Do you have the (relative) 3d position of your points.
I don’t know the (relative) 3d position of the points. I know the two images, the focal length and the sensor size of the cameras.
I tested with Blender if that's possible. Blender motion tracking can compute the relative position and rotation of the two cameras. Blender needs 8 points in both images. The result is very exact.
It is possible. But how?
I have found the openCv function findFundamentalMat.
findFundamentalMat also requires min 8 points* in both images. This is the same rule as in Blender.
*CV_FM_8POINT for an 8-point algorithm. N>=8
CV_FM_RANSAC for the RANSAC algorithm. N>=8
CV_FM_LMEDS for the LMedS algorithm. N>=8
And I found the function stereoCalibrate.
Hi. thanks for the comments.
Why 8 Points? As LBerger said, every pair of points gives you a constraint in the form of p2'Fp1 = 0. Why you need 8 points is not that obvious.
The animation programm Blender can compute the points and position of the camera. Blender say that you needs min 8 points.
I take a look at the function computeCorrespondEpilines. Here is the result. Image 2 looks like very good.
Image 1
Image 2
I have copied the image into Blender.
Here is the result.
But what happens next? How can I get the following values? X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch and Yaw
Here is my code.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat image1;
Mat image2;
Mat F;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
// Open image 1
QString fileName = "cam1c.jpg";
image1= imread(fileName.toAscii().data());
// Open image 2
QString fileName2 = "cam2c.jpg";
image2= imread(fileName2.toAscii().data());
// this are the points
// I added the point values manually (it is a test)
vector<Point2f> image1_points;
vector<Point2f> image2_points;
image2_points.push_back(Point(401.38 ,300.03));
image2_points.push_back(Point(310.45 ,378.28));
image2_points.push_back(Point(567.58 ,160.20));
image2_points.push_back(Point(397.43 ,237.73));
image2_points.push_back(Point(314.95 ,229.7));
image2_points.push_back(Point(359.9 ,477.5));
image2_points.push_back(Point(272.78 ,251.90));
image2_points.push_back(Point(508.15 ,361.03));
image2_points.push_back(Point(223.55 ,178.93));
image2_points.push_back(Point(355.98 ,244.63));
image2_points.push_back(Point(454.78 ,179.60));
image2_points.push_back(Point(73.90 ,435.93));
image2_points.push_back(Point(511.03 ,153.8));
image2_points.push_back(Point(85.60 ,153.63));
// Draw the points (image1)
for (int i=0; i<image1_points.size(); ++i)
float xValue = image1_points[i].x;
float yValue = image1_points[i].y;
circle(image1, Point(xValue,yValue), 11, Scalar(0,0,255), 2, 8 );
// Draw the points (image2)
for (int i=0; i<image2_points.size(); ++i)
float xValue = image2_points[i].x;
float yValue = image2_points[i].y;
circle(image2, Point(xValue,yValue), 11, Scalar(0,0,255), 2, 8 );
// the fundamental Matrix
cout << "findFundamentalMat CV_FM_RANSAC,1.00,1.00" <<endl;
F = findFundamentalMat(Mat(image1_points), Mat(image2_points),FM_RANSAC,0,0);
// show the values
cout << F.at<float>(0,0)<<endl; // -124928
cout << F.at<float>(0,1)<<endl; //-0.230494
cout << F.at<float>(0,2)<<endl; // 0.564655
cout << F.at<float>(1,0)<<endl; // 1.33879e+25
cout << F.at<float>(1,1)<<endl; // 0.283033
cout << F.at<float>(1,2)<<endl; // 1.4038e+28
cout << F.at<float>(2,0)<<endl; // -1.09098e-18
cout << F.at<float>(2,1)<<endl; // 0.409244
cout << F.at<float>(2,2)<<endl; // 6.07045e+22
// computeCorrespondEpilines image 1
vector<Vec3f> epilines_image1;
[-0.0857736, -0.996315, 332.137]
[-0.16384, -0.986487, 423.041]
[0.112013, -0.993707, 95.4816]
[-0.00812146, -0.999967, 240.303]
[0.00183964, -0.999998, 228.422]
[-0.283169, -0.95907, 559.134]
[-0.0221135, -0.999755, 256.953]
[-0.186857, -0.982387, 449.565]
[0.0541392, -0.998533, 165.666]
[-0.0160421, -0.999871, 249.734]
[0.069402, -0.997589, 147.232]
[-0.179446, -0.983768, 441.039]
[0.112103, -0.993697, 95.3717]
[0.069851, -0.997557, 146.689]
// draw the lines in image 2
cout << "values" <<endl;
for (vector<Vec3f>::const_iterator it= epilines_image1.begin(); it!=epilines_image1.end(); ++it)
cout << (*it) <<endl;
// computeCorrespondEpilines image 1
vector<Vec3f> epilines_image2;
[0.00191114, 0.999998, -301.403]
[0.00240657, 0.999997, -389.559]
[0.000624515, 1, -72.4628]
[0.00140625, 0.999999, -211.562]
[0.00134315, 0.999999, -200.336]
[0.00319328, 0.999995, -529.543]
[0.00149637, 0.999999, -227.598]
[0.00255128, 0.999997, -415.307]
[0.00100565, 1, -140.282]
[0.00145705, 0.999999, -220.602]
[0.000904554, 1, -122.292]
[0.00250309, 0.999997, -406.732]
[0.000617913, 1, -71.288]
[0.000903133, 1, -122.04]
// draw the lines in image 1
cout << "values" <<endl;
for (vector<Vec3f>::const_iterator it2= epilines_image2.begin(); it2!=epilines_image2.end(); ++it2)
cout << (*it2) <<endl;
// show the images
namedWindow("Image 1");
imshow("Image 1", image1);
namedWindow("Image 2");
imshow("Image 2", image2);
// save the images
std::vector<int> qualityType;
return a.exec();
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
Hi, thanks for the answers.
Do you have the (relative) 3d position of your points.
I don’t know the (relative) 3d position of the points. I know the two images, the focal length and the sensor size of the cameras.
I tested with Blender if that's possible. Blender motion tracking can compute the relative position and rotation of the two cameras. Blender needs 8 points in both images. The result is very exact.
It is possible. But how?
I have found the openCv function findFundamentalMat.
findFundamentalMat also requires min 8 points* in both images. This is the same rule as in Blender.
*CV_FM_8POINT for an 8-point algorithm. N>=8
CV_FM_RANSAC for the RANSAC algorithm. N>=8
CV_FM_LMEDS for the LMedS algorithm. N>=8
And I found the function stereoCalibrate.
Hi. thanks for the comments.
Why 8 Points? As LBerger said, every pair of points gives you a constraint in the form of p2'Fp1 = 0. Why you need 8 points is not that obvious.
The animation programm Blender can compute the points and position of the camera. Blender say that you needs min 8 points.
I take a look at the function computeCorrespondEpilines. Here is the result. Image 2 looks like very good.
Image 1
Image 2
I have copied the image into Blender.
Here is the result.
But what happens next? How can I get the following values? X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch and Yaw
Here is my code.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat image1;
Mat image2;
Mat F;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
// Open image 1
QString fileName = "cam1c.jpg";
image1= imread(fileName.toAscii().data());
// Open image 2
QString fileName2 = "cam2c.jpg";
image2= imread(fileName2.toAscii().data());
// this are the points
// I added the point values manually (it is a test)
vector<Point2f> image1_points;
vector<Point2f> image2_points;
image2_points.push_back(Point(401.38 ,300.03));
image2_points.push_back(Point(310.45 ,378.28));
image2_points.push_back(Point(567.58 ,160.20));
image2_points.push_back(Point(397.43 ,237.73));
image2_points.push_back(Point(314.95 ,229.7));
image2_points.push_back(Point(359.9 ,477.5));
image2_points.push_back(Point(272.78 ,251.90));
image2_points.push_back(Point(508.15 ,361.03));
image2_points.push_back(Point(223.55 ,178.93));
image2_points.push_back(Point(355.98 ,244.63));
image2_points.push_back(Point(454.78 ,179.60));
image2_points.push_back(Point(73.90 ,435.93));
image2_points.push_back(Point(511.03 ,153.8));
image2_points.push_back(Point(85.60 ,153.63));
// Draw the points (image1)
for (int i=0; i<image1_points.size(); ++i)
float xValue = image1_points[i].x;
float yValue = image1_points[i].y;
circle(image1, Point(xValue,yValue), 11, Scalar(0,0,255), 2, 8 );
// Draw the points (image2)
for (int i=0; i<image2_points.size(); ++i)
float xValue = image2_points[i].x;
float yValue = image2_points[i].y;
circle(image2, Point(xValue,yValue), 11, Scalar(0,0,255), 2, 8 );
// the fundamental Matrix
cout << "findFundamentalMat CV_FM_RANSAC,1.00,1.00" <<endl;
F = findFundamentalMat(Mat(image1_points), Mat(image2_points),FM_RANSAC,0,0);
// show the values
cout << F.at<float>(0,0)<<endl; // -124928
cout << F.at<float>(0,1)<<endl; //-0.230494
cout << F.at<float>(0,2)<<endl; // 0.564655
cout << F.at<float>(1,0)<<endl; // 1.33879e+25
cout << F.at<float>(1,1)<<endl; // 0.283033
cout << F.at<float>(1,2)<<endl; // 1.4038e+28
cout << F.at<float>(2,0)<<endl; // -1.09098e-18
cout << F.at<float>(2,1)<<endl; // 0.409244
cout << F.at<float>(2,2)<<endl; // 6.07045e+22
// computeCorrespondEpilines image 1
vector<Vec3f> epilines_image1;
[-0.0857736, -0.996315, 332.137]
[-0.16384, -0.986487, 423.041]
[0.112013, -0.993707, 95.4816]
[-0.00812146, -0.999967, 240.303]
[0.00183964, -0.999998, 228.422]
[-0.283169, -0.95907, 559.134]
[-0.0221135, -0.999755, 256.953]
[-0.186857, -0.982387, 449.565]
[0.0541392, -0.998533, 165.666]
[-0.0160421, -0.999871, 249.734]
[0.069402, -0.997589, 147.232]
[-0.179446, -0.983768, 441.039]
[0.112103, -0.993697, 95.3717]
[0.069851, -0.997557, 146.689]
// draw the lines in image 2
cout << "values" <<endl;
for (vector<Vec3f>::const_iterator it= epilines_image1.begin(); it!=epilines_image1.end(); ++it)
cout << (*it) <<endl;
// computeCorrespondEpilines image 1
vector<Vec3f> epilines_image2;
[0.00191114, 0.999998, -301.403]
[0.00240657, 0.999997, -389.559]
[0.000624515, 1, -72.4628]
[0.00140625, 0.999999, -211.562]
[0.00134315, 0.999999, -200.336]
[0.00319328, 0.999995, -529.543]
[0.00149637, 0.999999, -227.598]
[0.00255128, 0.999997, -415.307]
[0.00100565, 1, -140.282]
[0.00145705, 0.999999, -220.602]
[0.000904554, 1, -122.292]
[0.00250309, 0.999997, -406.732]
[0.000617913, 1, -71.288]
[0.000903133, 1, -122.04]
// draw the lines in image 1
cout << "values" <<endl;
for (vector<Vec3f>::const_iterator it2= epilines_image2.begin(); it2!=epilines_image2.end(); ++it2)
cout << (*it2) <<endl;
// show the images
namedWindow("Image 1");
imshow("Image 1", image1);
namedWindow("Image 2");
imshow("Image 2", image2);
// save the images
std::vector<int> qualityType;
return a.exec();
UPDATE 2015.07.06 -----UPDATE 2015.07.06------- UPDATE 2015.07.06
Thanks for the reply
Excuse my last math lesson was 15 years ago.
@Eduardo I have the Essential matrix.
I switched to opencv 3
The function "RecoverPose" gives the values Rotation and Translation
[0.9859449185096264, 0.167070695061541, -2.273102883446428e-05; -0.1670706961854756, 0.9859449165662832, -6.303336618253666e-05; 1.18805140270606e-05, 6.594511589667493e-05, 0.9999999977550477]
[-0.9954893808642969, 0.09487302832690769, -3.290137744252166e-05]
The function "RQDecomp3x3" should give the values Roll, Pitch and Yaw. But the function returns three Matrixs.
[1, 0, 0; 0, 0.9999999980133975, 6.303336619882133e-05; 0, -6.303336619882133e-05, 0.9999999980133975]
[0.9999999997416501, 0, 2.273102883446428e-05; 0, 1, 0; -2.273102883446428e-05, 0, 0.9999999997416501]
[0.985944918764345, -0.1670706951047037, 0; 0.1670706951047037, 0.985944918764345, 0; 0, 0, 1]
How do I get to the values Roll, Pitch and Yaw.
I've tried the following:
float xAngle = (atan2f(R.at<float>(2, 1), R.at<float>(2, 2)))/0.0174527777778;
float yAngle = (atan2f(-R.at<float>(2, 0), sqrtf(R.at<float>(2, 1) * R.at<float>(2, 1) + R.at<float>(2, 2) * R.at<float>(2, 2))))/0.0174527777778;
float zAngle = (atan2f(R.at<float>(1, 0), R.at<float>(0,0)))/0.0174527777778;
But the values are incorrect.
That should be the correct values Roll 5° Pitch 0° Yaw -45°
Is there a function that outputs the values xAngle ,yAngle and zAngle.
Here is my code
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat image1;
Mat image2;
Mat E;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
image1= cv::imread("cam1c.jpg");
image2= cv::imread("cam2c.jpg");
// this are the points
// I added the point values manually (it is a test)
vector<Point2f> image1_points;
vector<Point2f> image2_points;
vector<Point2d> principle_point;
image2_points.push_back(Point(401.38 ,300.03));
image2_points.push_back(Point(310.45 ,378.28));
image2_points.push_back(Point(567.58 ,160.20));
image2_points.push_back(Point(397.43 ,237.73));
image2_points.push_back(Point(314.95 ,229.7));
image2_points.push_back(Point(359.9 ,477.5));
image2_points.push_back(Point(272.78 ,251.90));
image2_points.push_back(Point(508.15 ,361.03));
image2_points.push_back(Point(223.55 ,178.93));
image2_points.push_back(Point(355.98 ,244.63));
image2_points.push_back(Point(454.78 ,179.60));
image2_points.push_back(Point(73.90 ,435.93));
image2_points.push_back(Point(511.03 ,153.8));
image2_points.push_back(Point(85.60 ,153.63));
double focal = 0.0286;
cv::Point2d pp(400.0, 300.0);
Mat R, t2, mask;
E = cv::findEssentialMat(image1_points, image2_points,focal,pp,FM_RANSAC,0.99,1,mask);
Mat R1;
Mat R2;
Mat t;
recoverPose(E, image1_points, image2_points, R, t2, focal, pp, mask);
cout << R.t()<<endl;
//[0.9859449185096264, 0.167070695061541, -2.273102883446428e-05;
// -0.1670706961854756, 0.9859449165662832, -6.303336618253666e-05;
// 1.18805140270606e-05, 6.594511589667493e-05, 0.9999999977550477]
cout << t2.t()<<endl;
//[-0.9954893808642969, 0.09487302832690769, -3.290137744252166e-05]
Mat mtxR,mtxQ;
Mat Qx,Qy,Qz;
Point3d e;
e= RQDecomp3x3(R, mtxR,mtxQ,Qx, Qy, Qz);
cout << Qx.t()<<endl;
//[1, 0, 0;
// 0, 0.9999999980133975, 6.303336619882133e-05;
// 0, -6.303336619882133e-05, 0.9999999980133975]
cout << Qy.t()<<endl;
//[0.9999999997416501, 0, 2.273102883446428e-05;
//0, 1, 0;
//-2.273102883446428e-05, 0, 0.9999999997416501]
cout << Qz.t()<<endl;
//[0.985944918764345, -0.1670706951047037, 0;
//0.1670706951047037, 0.985944918764345, 0;
//0, 0, 1]
cout << e<<endl;
//[-0.00361155, 0.00130239, 9.61755]
return a.exec();