1 | initial version |
i have buffer a few frame in ram and after 3 second write bufferd image and continue to 10 seconds write in a single file . but bufferd image playbacking is too fast of other part of video . the length of video is true but playback not true.
Writer(RecordPath + filename, CvInvoke.CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '3'), Fps, Width, Height, true);
for (int i = 0; i != buffer.Count-1; i++) { writer.WriteFrame(buffer[i]); }
2 | No.2 Revision |
i I have buffer a few frame in ram and after an event occurred write 3 second write bufferd image buffered images and continue to 10 seconds
seconds write in a single file . but bufferd buffered image playbacking play backing is too fast of other part of video .
the length of video is true but playback not isn't true.
Writer(RecordPath + filename, CvInvoke.CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '3'),
writer->open(RecordPath , CV_FOURCC('M', '4', 'S', '2'),
Fps, Width, Height,