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i bet the culprit is the overloaded == operator, like Mat c = (a==b);

maybe overloading the comparison like this works:

bool  compareMats( const Mat & a,  const Mat & b ) {
    return sum(a-b)[0]==0;
std::set<Mat, compareMats> nonDuplicatedPairs;

(found out, that it's 'less', not 'equal') i bet the culprit is the overloaded == < operator, like Mat c = (a==b);(a<b);< p="">

maybe overloading the comparison like this works:

bool  compareMats( const Mat & a,  const Mat & b ) {
    return sum(a-b)[0]==0;
sum(a-b)[0] < 0; // less
std::set<Mat, compareMats> nonDuplicatedPairs;

(found out, that it's 'less', not 'equal') i bet the culprit is the overloaded < operator, like Mat c = (a<b);< p="">

maybe overloading the comparison like this works:

struct compareMats 
  bool  compareMats( const operator()(const Mat & a,  const Mat & b ) b) const
    return sum(a-b)[0] < sum(b-a)[0] > 0; // less

std::set<Mat, compareMats> nonDuplicatedPairs;