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initial version

here is another idea, the 1 dollar shape recognition

// mostly from:

#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using std::vector;

namespace onedollar {

    double length(const vector<Point> &points) {
        double len = 0;
        for (int i=1; i<points.size(); ++i) {
            len += norm(points[i-1] - points[i]);
        return len;

    Rect2d boundingBox(const vector<Point2d> &pts) {
        double min_x = FLT_MAX, min_y = FLT_MAX, max_x = FLT_MIN, max_y = FLT_MIN;
        std::vector<Point2d>::const_iterator it = pts.begin();
        while (it != pts.end()) {
            Point2d v = (*it);
            if(v.x < min_x) min_x = v.x;
            if(v.x > max_x) max_x = v.x;
            if(v.y < min_y) min_y = v.y;
            if(v.y > max_y) max_y = v.y;

        Rect2d rect;
        rect.x = min_x;
        rect.y = min_y;
        rect.width = (max_x - min_x);
        rect.height = (max_y - min_y);
        return rect;

    void resample(const vector<Point> &points, int n, vector<Point2d> &pts) {
        double I = length(points)/(n - 1);
        double D = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) {
            Point2d curr = points[i];
            Point2d prev = points[i-1];
            Point2d dir = prev - curr;
            double d = norm(dir);
            if ( (D + d) >= I) {
                double qx = prev.x + ((I-D)/d) * (curr.x - prev.x);
                double qy = prev.y + ((I-D)/d) * (curr.y - prev.y);
                Point2d resampled(qx, qy);
                D = 0.0;
            else {
                D += d;
        // we had to do some freaky resizing because of rounding issues.
        while (pts.size() <= (n - 1)) {
        if (pts.size() > n) {
            pts.erase(pts.begin(), pts.begin()+n);

    Point2d centroid(const vector<Point2d> &pts) {
        Point2d center(0,0);
        vector<Point2d>::const_iterator it = pts.begin();
        while (it != pts.end()) {
            center += (*it);
        center /= double(pts.size());
        return center;

    vector<Point2d> rotateBy(vector<Point2d> &pts, double nRad, const Point &c) {
        vector<Point2d> rotated;
        double cosa = cos(nRad);
        double sina = sin(nRad);
        vector<Point2d>::iterator it = pts.begin();
        while (it != pts.end()) {
            Point2d v = (*it);
            double dx = v.x - c.x;
            double dy = v.y - c.y;
            v.x = dx * cosa - dy * sina + c.x;
            v.y = dx * sina + dy * cosa + c.y;
        return rotated;

    void rotateToZero(vector<Point2d> &pts, const Point &c) {
        double angle = atan2(c.y - pts[0].y, c.x - pts[0].x);
        angle = 1.0 - angle;
        angle /= (2*CV_PI);
        pts = rotateBy(pts, angle, c);

    void scaleTo(vector<Point2d> &pts, double nSize = 250.0) {
        Rect2d rect = boundingBox(pts);
        vector<Point2d>::iterator it = pts.begin();
        while (it != pts.end()) {
            Point2d* v = &(*it);
            v->x = v->x * (nSize/rect.width);
            v->y = v->y * (nSize/rect.height);

    // translates to origin.
    void translate(vector<Point2d> &pts, const Point &c) {
        vector<Point2d>::iterator it = pts.begin();
        while (it != pts.end()) {
            Point2d* v = &(*it);
            v->x = v->x - c.x;
            v->y = v->y - c.y;

    void normalize(const vector<Point> &points, int nNumSamples, vector<Point2d> &pts) {
        resample(points, nNumSamples, pts);
        Point2d c = centroid(pts);
        rotateToZero(pts, c);
        translate(pts, c);

    // distance between two paths.
    double pathDistance(const vector<Point2d> &p, const vector<Point2d> &q) {
        // sizes are not equal (?)
        if (p.size() != q.size()) {
            return -1.0;
        double d = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i) {
             d += norm(p[i] - q[i]);
        return d/p.size();

    double distanceAtAngle(double nAngle, const vector<cv::Point2d> &p, const vector<cv::Point2d> &q, const cv::Point &c) {
        vector<Point2d> points_tmp = p;
        points_tmp = rotateBy(points_tmp, nAngle, c);
        return pathDistance(points_tmp, q);

    const double angle_precision = 1.0;
    const double golden_ratio = 0.5 * (-1.0 + sqrt(5.0));
    double distanceBestAngle(const vector<cv::Point2d> &p, const vector<cv::Point2d> &q) {
        Point2d c = centroid(p);
        double angle_range = CV_PI;
        double start_range = -angle_range;
        double end_range = angle_range;
        double x1 = golden_ratio * start_range + (1.0 - golden_ratio) * end_range;
        double f1 = distanceAtAngle(x1, p, q, c);
        double x2 = (1.0 - golden_ratio) * start_range + golden_ratio * end_range;
        double f2 = distanceAtAngle(x2, p, q, c);
        while (abs(end_range - start_range) > angle_precision) {
            if (f1 < f2) {
                end_range = x2;
                x2 = x1;
                f2 = f1;
                x1 =  golden_ratio * start_range + (1.0 - golden_ratio) * end_range;
                f1 = distanceAtAngle(x1, p, q, c);
            } else {
                start_range = x1;
                x1 = x2;
                f1 = f2;
                x2 = (1.0 - golden_ratio) * start_range + golden_ratio * end_range;
                f2 = distanceAtAngle(x2, p, q, c);
        return min(f1, f2);

    double distance(const vector<Point> &p, const vector<Point> &q) {
        vector<cv::Point2d> pz, qz;
        int N = min(p.size(), q.size());
        onedollar::normalize(p, N, pz);
        onedollar::normalize(q, N, qz);
        return distanceBestAngle(pz, qz);
} // namespace onedollar