![]() | 1 | initial version |
resize() will reallocate your dst image, if the src depth is not the same, so using CV_64F is a bad idea. maybe the (much simpler) :
Size dst_siz(orig_bw.cols/cv::pow((double)2,itr_scale-1),orig_bw.rows/pow((double)2,itr_scale-1));
Mat imdist_scaled;
resize(orig_bw, imdist_scaled, dst_siz, 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
which unfortunately leads it to be a blank white image.
imshow() assumes floating point images to be in the [0..1] range, while CV_8U images are in [0..255], so any value larger than 1 will be white.
you can apply a scaling factor with convertTo():
imdist_scaled.convertTo(imdist_scaled, CV_64FC1, 1.0/255);
and then your image will look ok, with imshow(), but you have to carefully read the original code, and see, if scaling down the image to [0..1] is legit for the further calculation !!
again, maybe it's better, to only scale a local copy for viewing:
imshow("win", img/255);