1 | initial version |
Here is the relevant part of the code to compute BoW with ORB:
for( all your images )
// Detect interesting points
orb(img, Mat(), keypoints, descriptors);
// Keep characteristics of images for further clustering.
// Create the BOW object with K classes
BOWKMeansTrainer bow(K);
for( all your descriptors )
// Convert characteristics vector to float
// This is require by BOWTrainer class
Mat descr;
characteristics[k].convertTo(descr, CV_32F);
// Add it to the BOW object
// Perform the clustering of stored vectors
Mat voc = bow.cluster();
You need to convert features from CV_8U to CV_32F, because bag of words object expects float descriptors. It is not required for SIFT or SURF descriptors because they are in float, as said by @berak.
If you have some issues with this code, please show us some relevant parts of yours.