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your ANN needs "one-hot-encoded" responses to train, [1,0] for label 0, and [0,1] for label 1.

you can either change the csv file, so it has 16 data numbers and 2 response labels at the end:


and use

Ptr<TrainData> datos = TrainData::loadFromCSV("/home/josejacomeb/QT/MLP_DosCapas/mlp_2capas.csv", 0, 16, 18);

(btw, not ROW_SAMPLE there !)

or, fix the responses after reading your unchanged csv:

 Mat responses(num_samples, 2, CV_32F, 0.0f);
 for (size_t i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
      int id = (int)<float>(i);  // 0 or 1<float>(id) = 1;

your ANN needs "one-hot-encoded" responses to train, [1,0] for label 0, and [0,1] for label 1.

you can either change the csv file, so it has 16 data numbers and 2 response labels at the end:


and use

Ptr<TrainData> datos = TrainData::loadFromCSV("/home/josejacomeb/QT/MLP_DosCapas/mlp_2capas.csv", 0, 16, 18);

(btw, not ROW_SAMPLE there !)

or, fix the responses after reading your unchanged csv:

 Mat responses(num_samples, 2, CV_32F, 0.0f);
 for (size_t i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
      int id = (int)<float>(i);  // 0 or 1<float>(id) = 1;
 ann->train(datos->getTrainSamples(), 0, responses);

your ANN needs "one-hot-encoded" responses to train, [1,0] for label 0, and [0,1] for label 1.

you can either change the csv file, so it has 16 data numbers and 2 response labels at the end:


and use

Ptr<TrainData> datos = TrainData::loadFromCSV("/home/josejacomeb/QT/MLP_DosCapas/mlp_2capas.csv", 0, 16, 18);

(btw, not ROW_SAMPLE there !)

or, fix the responses after reading your unchanged csv:

 Mat labels = datos->getTrainResponses(); 
 Mat responses(num_samples, 2, CV_32F, 0.0f);
 for (size_t i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
      int id = (int)<float>(i);  // 0 or 1<float>(id)<float>(i, id) = 1;
 ann->train(datos->getTrainSamples(), 0, responses);