access camera by android native and error:OpenCV::camera(5764): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 0)

asked 2014-04-17 05:12:33 -0600

reply2010 gravatar image

updated 2014-04-17 08:15:48 -0600

i access camera by native c++ func code based on OpenCV-2.4.8-android-sdk and eclipse android target is android2.3.3.My hardware is on android4.0.1. when i run project ,errors as below

04-17 17:42:21.927: E/OpenCV::camera(10598): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 0)

04-17 17:42:21.977: E/OpenCV::camera(10598): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 1)

04-17 17:42:21.977: E/OpenCV::camera(10598): calling (*pGetPropertyC)(0xb0c88, 3)

and i could get photo from camera,but i dont like above can i remove these errors?

could any nice expert give me some light?thanks

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