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NVIDIA graphics cards architectures

asked 2020-04-23 08:26:45 -0600

zelda gravatar image

Am trying to build opencv 2 with cuda but am having confusion with Nvidia graphics architectures , i noticed wrong cuda_arch_bin and graphics card generation resulting errors while running opencv app.

i have cuda 9.2 installed for Opencv 2 and have also CUDA 10 installed but have disabled it as i think opencv not support cuda 10

i have Nvidia GTX1080 graphics card on my system

so what will be : CUDA_ARCH_BIN and CUDA_GENERATION any links if shared related to nvidia graphics card architectures will be good, i checked wiki they do not have such info

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answered 2020-04-26 02:26:18 -0600

zelda gravatar image

cmake set

CUDA_ARCH_BIN # find compute capability from :

check your cuda sdk computer capability :

what is computer capability :

CUDA_GENERATION # find generation from that table :

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Asked: 2020-04-23 08:26:45 -0600

Seen: 812 times

Last updated: Apr 26 '20