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Problem with Opencv 3.2.0 to use the TLD tracker example.

asked 2017-05-24 04:19:52 -0600

Damien gravatar image

updated 2017-05-24 04:23:23 -0600

berak gravatar image

I managed to implement the OpenCV 3.2.0 library on Visual Studio 2015 under Windows 7 64bits (https: // V = gXzsh ...), I can see the video stream of My camera thanks to the function included in it but when I take the test program give by OpenCV to use the tracker and more particularly the TLD. ( I have several errors:

-Error (active) identifier "Tracker" not defined 24

-Error (active) a name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name 24

-Error C2065 'Tracker': identifier not declared 24

-Error C2923 'cv :: Ptr': 'Tracker' is not a valid model argument for parameter 'T' 24

-Error C2653 'TrackerKCF': is not a class name or a namespace 24

-Error C3861 'create': identifier not found 24

-Error C2514 'cv :: Ptr': class has no constructor 24

-Error (active) identifier "selectROI" not defined 30

-Error C3861 'selectROI': identifier not found 30

-Error C2678 '->' binary: no operator found accepting a left-hand operand of type 'cv :: Ptr' (or there is no acceptable conversion) 35

-C2039 'init' error: is not a member of 'cv :: Ptr' 35

-Error C2678 '->' binary: no operator found accepting a left-hand operand of type 'cv :: Ptr' (or there is no acceptable conversion) 45

-Error C2039 'update': is not a member of 'cv :: Ptr' 45

I saw that I missed the file tracker.hpp so I added it thanks to the source code on the OpenCV master by adding also other file with the same method but in the end I always have errors:



Did I do something wrong when adding OpenCV 3.2.0 or something ?? Thank you for your help.

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answered 2017-05-24 04:26:08 -0600

berak gravatar image

the tracking module is not part of the main opencv, if you're using prebuilt opencv libs, you don't have the headers & libs for this.

you will have to rebuild opencv with opencv_contrib from src, see readme there for build instructions

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OK thank you I will try this

Damien gravatar imageDamien ( 2017-05-24 04:28:42 -0600 )edit

it's a good idea, to update your main opencv to latest master branch (NOT 3.2.0 release), too.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-05-24 04:33:16 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-05-24 04:19:52 -0600

Seen: 2,636 times

Last updated: May 24 '17