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Different result with fixed size matrices vs dynamic

asked 2017-05-08 22:07:47 -0600

jnuevo gravatar image

updated 2017-05-08 23:53:02 -0600

When multiplying small matrices, I get different results when using a 2x3 fixed sized matrix than a dynamic Mat_<float>.

cv::Mat_<float> B = (cv::Mat_<float>(2, 3) << 658.95428, -21.682049,
                   10.625885, 21.246431, 660.61816, 22.65921);
cv::Mat_<float> H = B.t() * B;
cv::Matx23f Bx (B);
cv::Matx33f Hx = Bx.t() * Bx;
std::cout << cv::norm(H, cv::Mat_<float>(Hx, false)) << "\n";

Is this really expected?

I'm using 3.2, compiling with Clang++ and -O3, but GCC 5.4 returns the same error.

More results: Doing these operations with Eigen 3.3, the results are the same as with the fixed sized matrices. Using Octave with double precision, the results are very close to the dynamic matrix's result. It looks like the dynamic matrices use doubles inside, irrespectively of the float32 type of the operands.

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1 answer

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answered 2017-05-09 03:17:51 -0600

LBerger gravatar image

In my configuration results are differents because api called to multiply matrices is not the same.

First call :

cv::Mat_<float> H = B.t() * B;

It is cv::gemm with intel lapack in my configuration. Check which implementation is used un your configuration here

Second call cv::Matx33f Hx = Bx.t() * Bx;

it is matx implementation here

Now there is no problem in double

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Asked: 2017-05-08 22:07:47 -0600

Seen: 222 times

Last updated: May 09 '17